Call of Duty: Black Ops Update 4
- Improved threading performance on computers with only 2 cores.
- Additional performance optimizations
- Added an option to pre-cache all shaders during load time. This fixes hitching related to shader compiling on some video cards when viewing an area of the map for the first time.
- Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations.
- Allow Team Change on Ranked servers when it does not unbalance teams (this is a server admin option).
- Allow Team Change grace period at start of match (server admin option).
- Added 4 more reserved slots (server admin option)
- Added /connect - Improved quickmatch results (server side change)
- Fix for watching films through Combat Recor
- Fixed compassSpectatorsSeeEnemies exploit
- Fixed 3rd person fov exploi
- Fix for infinite supply drop exploit.
- Fixed crosshair flickering when stereo is active.
- Various spawn improvements
- Various sound improvements....
For complete information on update and how to install, read .nfo!
- Additional performance optimizations
- Added an option to pre-cache all shaders during load time. This fixes hitching related to shader compiling on some video cards when viewing an area of the map for the first time.
- Fixed random freezes in certain computer configurations.
- Allow Team Change on Ranked servers when it does not unbalance teams (this is a server admin option).
- Allow Team Change grace period at start of match (server admin option).
- Added 4 more reserved slots (server admin option)
- Added /connect - Improved quickmatch results (server side change)
- Fix for watching films through Combat Recor
- Fixed compassSpectatorsSeeEnemies exploit
- Fixed 3rd person fov exploi
- Fix for infinite supply drop exploit.
- Fixed crosshair flickering when stereo is active.
- Various spawn improvements
- Various sound improvements....
For complete information on update and how to install, read .nfo!
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