Simple utility that makes transferring songs from an iPod to your computer quick and easy
Senuti reads a hidden file on your iPod in order to get all of the information quickly and accurately.
Here are some key features of "Senuti":
· Playlists.Not only does Senuti show you the playlists on your iPod, but you can copy them back to your computer as well.
· Listen.What was that song I wanted to copy? I know how it goes, but I don't know the title. Great! Listen to your music on your iPod right from Senuti. When you find the song, copy it!
· Copy.Senuti would be worthless if you couldn't find what you wanted to copy quickly, so searching is built in.
· Organization.Senuti will organize your music as it gets copied back to your computer. That is only if you want it organized, of course.
· iTunes Integration.Senuti shows you which songs are already in iTuenes. It also allows you to add songs to iTunes after they're copied from your iPod. You can even choose the playlist to which you want to add them.
· Simple Interface.Easy to learn OS X interface eases the learning curve of Senuti. A few new icons.
Fixed a major bug preventing copying in unique situations. Fixed a major bug dealing with adding songs to iTunes. Fixed minor bugs dealing with issues such as playback of songs and protected artwork. Credited David Oberst within the application for patchwork.
Switched to 10.3 bindings and dropped 10.2 support. More internal changes than you would ever believe.
What's New in This Release:
· Updated EULA.
· Fixed bug that led to "unable to copy song" error.
· Changed default value for organizing of copied files.
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